Sunday, August 25, 2024

“The Happy Man and the So-Called Windmill” Recording Posted

I’ve posted the recording f my writing exercise “The Happy Man and the So-Called Windmill” on SoundCloud and my website.

Harland is impressed when his friend shows him the so-called windmill near his house.

This story turned out to be sillier than I intended. It was a writing exercise based on a random title generated at

Character voices by Just-aBritishGuy and Morgan


This post is a mirror from my main blog

Monday, August 19, 2024

“The Urgent Phone Call” Will Become A Movie

My script “The Urgent Phone Call” is in the process of becoming a real movie.

How I Came to Write It

A couple years ago I joined the CSIF Older Filmmakers Club (  Last year they put out a challenge to members to write a short (5 to 7 page) script, set in a single location with one or two characters, and focussed on an issue related to older people. I worked on several ideas and completed two scripts in response to the challenge.

The first script was based on an important event in my life. I felt it was a good script and I got positive feedback from people who read it. However, it was too personal for me to share with a broader audience, so I didn’t pursue the project.

The other script, “The Urgent Phone Call,” was based on a phone call I got. The script deals with a challenge that some older people face. Although I know that younger people have also had the same experience. I felt it, too, was a good script. I showed it to several people and took it to a table read hosted by The Older Filmmaker’s Club. The script got positive responses. Nevertheless, I hesitated about going forward with the project.

What Held Me Back

The main reason was that I didn’t feel I was physically up to making the film. Back when I made films like “Line of Taxis” and “My Most Difficult Case,” I was younger and more fit back then. But, the shoots were still a physical challenge for me. While many people who work on a film are in a hurry up and wait mode, I, as the director, had to be going the whole day. I had to be there the day before to set up. I was the first person on set, and the last to leave. I just didn’t think I could do that now.

I Found a Director (or a director found me)

One of the reasons I joined the CSIF Older Filmmakers Club was to find ways to work around my limitations to still make films.

At one of our recent meetings, Sherri Dahl offered to direct the film. After a little hesitation, I agreed. I knew that I would need to curb my inner control freak and let her take the lead.


She is a real live wire, unlike myself. She has lined up most of the crew and is working on creating the set and assembling the props.

I sat in with her for the auditions for the main character. That was an interesting experience. I never did auditions for any of my previous films. At the end of the day, I was glad that Sher would be making the decision on who to cast, and not me.

The shoot is planned for August 31. I will likely stop by briefly to see how it looks, but I don’t want to be there for the whole shoot because my presence could undercut the director’s authority.

This post is a mirror from my main blog