Sunday, May 26, 2024

Can You Help Me with Revisions to my Random Title Generator?


Someone suggested that my random title generator was producing too many “odd” titles. I’m considering how to fix that problem.


I must admit that a recent title, “The Chatty Astroturf Political Consultant and the Unobtrusive Educator” does seem a bit forced. So, I decided I should take a shot at improvements.

I admit I got obsessed with trying to increase the number of unique titles it can create. Between all three versions of the generator there are about 586 billion possible unique titles. That may be more than I really need. I used the generator to spark ideas for my writing exercises. More isn’t always better.

I thought that the best approach to fix the problem was to remove some of the words from the word list the random title generator uses. I would appreciate some advice on which ones should go. I've uploaded the full list for review.


Please enter “drop” next to the ones you think should go.

Thank you.

This post is a mirror from my main blog

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