Sunday, April 21, 2013

First Sequence Done on Transportation Movie

I made more progress on my transportation movie this week. I did four scenes this week and edited them together with the two scenes I did last week. It came in at just under 10 minutes.

I finished the scene I gave up on last week. It is the scene where the boss, Brandon, assigns the hero, Arthur Macdonald, to do a development impact study. Most of it came from a scene in “The Glencoe Project”. It turned out to be trickier than I expected to combine it with the previous scene.

Two of the new scenes are directly from “The Glencoe Project”. In the first scene, Arthur asks the model guy, Dennis, for help. In the second, Dennis gives his advice. I did have to change the location of one scene so I wouldn’t need to buy another set. I also added some material to the dialogue. I’ll need to add some more, because when I watched the compilation, I realized that Ralph asks for something in one scene, but in the next, Dennis doesn’t answer the original question.

I added the last scene to provide a break between the two scenes with Dennis. In it, Arthur talks to his mentor, Ling. I used some dialogue that I had to cut out of an earlier scene because I had eliminated one of the characters. That didn’t make for much of a scene, so I added some more material that tells us more about Ling.

I changed my mind about the voices I wanted to use for the characters. I gave the boss, Brandon, the voice I’d originally used for Arthur because it seemed too authoritative for Arthur  I gave Arthur a meeker voice, which I hadn’t used before. I didn’t like the voice I gave Brandon originally. I found it hard to understand.

Finally, I used Premiere Pro to combine all six scenes together in a sequence. Most of the scenes run about a minute and a half, although one dies run over two minutes. Altogether the sequence runs for just under 10 minutes. I watched it through several times. I thought it went fairly well. I am too close to it to really judge it. I worry that other people will find it boring. I did notice some continuity errors I need to fix.

I had a nice transition between the first and second scenes that can symbolize one of the main conflicts in the story. It wasn’t something I had planned in advance. Now that I see how it works, I can go back and enhance the effect.

Over the next week I plan to work on the next sequence. I think the bulk of that sequence will be taken up by a single scene. I find that scenes of one and a half to two minutes are easier to do than the longer scenes. I may want to find a way to break up the scene. In this sequence, Ralph has a major set back, but then an opportunity opens up for him.

As I do each scene, I find I have started to develop better ways to create a scene. Initially I did the dialogue, camera setups, movements, and gestures as I went along. Now I start with just the dialogue, with a single camera set up that shows all the action. Most of my scenes start with some character movement, so I usually do that at the same time. Once I am happy with the dialogue, I go back and do the camera setups. I find the camera setups very frustrating to do. I add the gestures last. Of course, once I have the whole scene done, I go back and tweak it, again and again and again.

So far I have just called it my transportation movie. Initially I planned to call it “The Gladstone Barrier”. Since I used that title for one of my short stories, I wanted something different for the movie. My current inclination is to call it “The Barrier”. I think it give a broader interpretation of the story, since there is both a real barrier and a metaphorical barrier in the story.

This post is a mirror from my main blog

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