Monday, November 29, 2021

Older Filmmakers, “Time Zone” and “Who Shot the President”

I made progress on a few projects. Getting them done about the same times make me look more productive that I actually was.

I made progress on the Older Filmmakers Club, wrote a story treatment, and posted "Who Shot the President" on YouTube. No Death threats yet.

The Older Filmmaker’s Club

As I age, it has become harder for me to make films. The aches, pains and reduced energy that come with getting old limit what I can do. I still want to make films and I have been looking for ways around my limitations. This is not a problem unique to myself, so I thought I’d reach out to other filmmakers who face similar challenges. I propose to create a club here with the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers (, where older filmmakers like myself can discuss ways to work around our limitations."

I haven’t put any restriction on age, the group would be open to anyone who faces similar challenges and others who want to support older filmmakers.

My first goal is to compile a list of people who want to participate. Then I plan to set up a meeting some time in the new year.

If you are interested, you can contact me through e-mail at


through the CSIF slack channel the-older-filmmakers-club

“Time Zone”

At my last writer's group session, we were all grumbling about the time change from daylight to standard. The guy running the group suggested that we each try to write a treatment based on the concept of a time change. I wrote one this week that I titled "Time Zone".

I posted it on-line and got some comments. Mostly typos, but the others were generally positive. The big issue is that the set up makes the main character seem clueless. I think I can fix it. I think the idea has potential.

If you are interested in giving feedback, let me know and I’ll send you a link to it.

"Who Shot the President"

I posted "Who Shot the President" on YouTube. I posted it on there before; way back when I first joined YouTube. I got some very negative comments, including one physical threat. That gave me a scare. I removed the video from YouTube because of that.

Recently I was reviewing what movies I had posted on-line. "Who Shot the President" was the only one that wasn’t on YouTube, so I decided that it was probably safe to do so now. So far, no death threats.


This post is a mirror from my main blog

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